Corporate Identity

Official Documents
Invoices, collection receipts, expense slips, delivery notes, tracking slips and expense documentation forms with stamps

Stationery Products
Invitations, greeting cards, promotional folders and double-sided cards are important tools used in our communication and promotional activities.

Media – Visual and Written Promotion
Promotional and commercial films, newspaper and magazine advertisements, press releases and staff announcements cover various communication channels related to the promotion of the institution and its products.

Offset Printing and Advertising
Materials such as brochures, catalogs, inserts, flyers, posters, congratulations, certificates of appreciation and honor, bill slips, menus, stickers, magazines and promotional bulletins and reservation cards are various tools used in communication and promotional activities.

As MEGATON, we offer holistic and impressive solutions that reflect the essence of your brand in corporate identity design. We differentiate you in the industry with designs that represent the best your company's values, vision and mission.

Offset Printing and Advertising
Calendar, desk calendar, diary book, memo pad, cube memo pad, keychain, clock, mousepad and pen sets.

Sign Designs
Institutional external signage, institutional welcome sign, internal department signs, gates, directional signs, plaques, achievement awards and module LED scrolling texts are important elements of corporate identity and promotion.

Packaging Designs
Packaging design is an important element that reflects the perception of a brand among consumers. A good design emphasizes the quality, values and reliability of the brand, thus strengthening the corporate identity.

Design of Email Elements
Email elements in corporate identity reflect the brand's professionalism and consistency in digital communication. A good email design and format emphasizes the quality of the brand, builds trust and positively affects the recipient's interaction with the brand.